Saturday 14 January 2012

6A Tools of Professional Inquiry.

 A Pilot interview for the host of Open Mic Nights.

* What are the positive aspects of hosting Open Mic?
* When people perform at Open Mic Nights do they gain anything?
* Do you have to be an artist to perform?

A pilot interview for the 'Praticipant' in Open Mic Nights.

* Do you think that open mic nights benefit you as a participant/performer if so how and why?
* How do you feel when performing at these events?
* Would you advice anyone with Talent/skills in song writing, poetry spoken word or cover songs to take part these nights if so why?
*Is there anything you will like to see improved with regards to open mic nights if so why?

Because of the environment and setting of the open mic nights, I had to take careful consideration in the choices of Inquiry Tools to be used, insiders to gain as much information for the pilot survey foquestionnaires to be given out and returned it will take a bit more time. So I found the most appropriate too was the interviews before any questions were asked, I handed out detailed consent forms, to with the 'Host' and the 'Participants' explaining my Inquiry below is a draft of this consent form.


Ethics is one to take sersouisly as its one of the major contributory factors to a successful organisation . It covers such a wide range of issues which if unaware of its importance, it can lead to employees being disciplined as even 'sacked'. The rules and regulations of every employees must be respected and adhered to, where individuals must be respected, consent must be gained and confidentiality carried out inspite of a an individuals 'religious' beliefs, culture, morals, as background in an Open Mic Night session. 

5A Thoughts on Professional Ethics in Open Mic Nights part 3

When asked about the Professional Ethics in open mic nights, I found quite hard to go about as I was not sure of what the word 'ethics' meant. i later found out that it was related to moral principles framewroks. 'Moral refees to the night and wrong conduct/a persos standard of behavies. Having found and understand the meanings I had to think moral issues that I may have to face when entering Open Mic Nights. I know that before any Inqury could be carried out, I had to gain coment from both the host and the participants. Anyone who enters a Open Mic Night, whether it be as part of an audience as to participate, must abide by set rules, so that everyone is respected and protected in that environment. Taking photos, recording, and interveiws can only be carried out if given the 'go ahead' as confidentiality is one to be considered when it comes to  participants mights and wishes. 

Sunday 8 January 2012

5A thoughts on Professional Ethics in Open Mic Nights.

When entering into a Open Mic Night myself has the inqury has to be mindful of  if  i want to take pictures,record or flim a perforamnce, interviews or wanting the artists to fill suverys I would need to ask permission from the host for the artists consent for that reason why there has to be a consent from the artist is to protect myself. and the rules will have to be obeyed by, by both myself as the inqury,the artist and the audience these include gaining consent and keeping all information confident.